
精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅 冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口


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精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图1

       登封市大冶镇双奇磨料厂是一家经国家相关部门批准 的企业,主要经营碳化硅、棕刚玉、白刚玉、黑刚玉、核桃壳、石榴石、除锈砂、铝矾土、捣打料、耐火泥等各种耐材材料及磨料。厂家拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,多年来登封市大冶镇双奇磨料厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。厂家秉持诚信态度,紧跟时代潮流开拓创新,拥有多条生产线,充分满足新老客户的需求,欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈!

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图2






精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图3









精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图4









       5、配制远红外 涂料或制成碳化硅硅板用远红外 干燥器中。


       6、碳化硅捣打料以碳化硅为材料(SiC含量98.5),以磷酸二氢铝作为结合剂,并添加其它材料精心配制而成。其主要特点是:强度高,抗液态渣侵蚀能力强,能是较稀液态渣在旋风筒壁上形成一层薄膜,起到保护内衬的作用。该材料导热性好,热膨胀系数小,抗氧化能力强,热震稳定性能 ,主要用在旋风筒内壁及垃圾焚烧炉等工业窑炉。




精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图5




电  话:

Q    Q : 2901034436

地  址:登封市大冶镇朝阳沟村

网  址:http:// shop 91.*


精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图6


精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图7


精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图8

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图9

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图10

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图11

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图12

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图13

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图14

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图15

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图16

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图17

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图18

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图19

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图20

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图21

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图22

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图23

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图24

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图25

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图26


精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图27

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图28

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图29

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图30

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图31

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图32

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图33

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图34

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图35

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图36

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图37

精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图38

Introduction of silicon carbide

Green silicon carbide mainly divides into the black silicon carbide and silicon carbide. Silicon carbide is also called the moissanite. In contemporary C, N, B the oxide refractory raw materials in the high technology, such as silicon carbide as the most widely used, one of the most economic. Can be called corundum sand or refractory. Among them: black silicon carbide is quartz sand and petroleum coke and high quality silica as the main raw material, through high temperature electric resistance furnace smelting. Its hardness is between fused alumina and between diamond and mechanical strength higher than that of corundum, sharp and crisp.


Silicon carbide purpose

1, abrasive; Silicon carbide with high hardness, chemical stability and certain toughness, so sic grinding tool can be used in the manufacture of consolidation, coated abrasive grinding and freedom, to the processing of glass, ceramic, stone, cast iron and some non-ferrous metals, hard alloy, titanium alloy, high speed steel cutting tools and grinding wheel etc.

2, refractory materials and corrosion resistant material; Mainly because of silicon carbide with high melting point (decomposition), chemical inertness and reting resistance, so the silicon carbide can be used for abrasive, ceramic firing kiln shed board, sagger and used in the zinc smelting industry vertical distillation furnace with silica brick, aluminum carbide cylinder electrolytic cell line, crucible, small furnace material of silicon carbide ceramics and other products.

3, chemical purposes; Because of the silicon carbide can be decomposed in the liquid steel melt and molten steel from oxygen, metal oxide reaction of carbon monoxide and slag containing silicon. So it can be used as a purifying agent of smelting steel and used for steelmaking deoxidizer and cast iron modifier. This generally using low purity of silicon carbide, in order to reduce the cost. At the same time also serve as raw materials for the manufacture of silicon tetrachloride.

4, electrical purposes; Used as a heating element, high nonlinear resistance element and semiconductor materials. Heating elements such as silicon carbide (applicable to 1100 1500 work of various electric furnace), nonlinear resistance element, all kinds of lightning protection of valve plate.

5, other mixture far-infrared radiation coating made of silicon carbide silicon or with far infrared radiation in the dryer.

6, the ramming material with carborundum (SiC content of 98.5 or higher) for material, with aluminum dihydrogen phosphate as binder, and add made from other materials carefully. Its main features are: high strength, liquid slag erosion resistance is strong, can be a thin liquid slag in a layer of thin film is formed on a whirlwind wall, have the effect of lining protection. The material thermal conductivity is good, small thermal expansion coefficient, oxidation resistance is strong, good thermal shock stability, mainly USES in the cyclone tube wall and garbage incinerator and other industrial kiln.

7, silicon carbide powder is mainly used for refractory products manufacturing, and foam ceramic industry, solar silicon original cutting, crystal cutting, grinding, car engine manufacturing, special coating industry, plastics modification, desulfurization, power supply, environmental protection industry, etc. Functional ceramics, refractories, abrasives and metallurgical raw materials.


精磨高速钢刀具用一级碳化硅  冶金原料绿碳化硅长期出口示例图39



联 系 人:郭经理

电   话:

Q    Q : 2901034436

地   址:登封市大冶镇朝阳沟村

网   址:http:// shop 91.*


The town of dengfeng city daye double abrasive factory

Touch: Guo Jingli


Q Q: 2901034436

Address: daye town chaoyang ditch village of dengfeng city

Web site: http:// shop 91.*

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Contact information
  • 登封市大冶镇双奇磨料厂
  • 郭经理 销售部门
  • 15514593122
  • 河南省郑州市大冶镇朝阳沟村
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