
LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料


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LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图1

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图2

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图3

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图4

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图5

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图6

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图7































联 系 人 :唐芷文

手    机 :

Q    Q  :3195997413

邮   箱 :

地    址 :宁夏石嘴山市大武口区白银北路以东

网    址 :


LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图8

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图9

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图10

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图11

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图12

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图13

Introduction of fiber ball

The fiber ball is used in the high aldehydes and the polyester filament is the raw material. A large number of biological regiments on the surface of their own surface are exposed to the oxygen and water, which can be used for the treatment of suspended and organic materials in wastewater. Gap in the process of filtration, filter layer along the flow direction gradually become smaller, more in line with the ideal filter material by large under small porosity distribution, thus forming the filter speed is fast, large capacity of sewage, filtering effect is good, renewable use repeatedly, don't need to change entirely, time, etc. The fiber ball filter can be used to intercept tiny suspended objects that are not easily removed. Filter speed ratio of traditional sand filter material 3.5 times higher, can backwashing filter material regeneration, which can realize automation management, general filter speed of 30 m/h, coarse filter water 100 mg/l, effluent SS 5 mg/l, or less fine filtration water 20 mg/l, 2 mg/l or less water.

Modified fiber ball surface is modified to improve the adsorption capacity of oil and organic matter; Modified fiber ball new ligation, runtime filter layer porosity decreases along the flow direction, to form the ideal filter material on the small pore distribution state, filtering effect is better; The filter is high, reaching 25 to 30 meters per hour. The filter is only about 10 a year. The water content of the filter is less than or equal to 15mg/L, and the suspension is less than 10mg/L. The oil is less than 5mg/L, and the suspension is less than two m g/L. It is suitable for fine filtration of oily water in oil fields and the fine filtration of other industrial waste water.

Characteristics of fiber ball

Light, physical and chemical properties are stable and durable.

2, the filament that flutters in the water, makes the space between the packing variable, not easily to be blocked by biofilm.

It is bigger than surface area, active and effective.

Good elasticity, large gap, long working cycle and small loss of head.


Fiber ball USES

Is not easy to precipitate the surface of the fiber ball used for sewage interception, tiny surface after modification treatment, its adsorption capacity are also more and more strong, belong to the renewable resources, meet the theme of our contemporary green environmental protection. Fiber balls are used mainly in our industrial wastewater treatment, oil and chemical industries; The surface of fiber ball is modified to enhance the adsorption capacity of oil and organic matter. Hydrophilic oleophobic, in oily wastewater treatment has good effect, and high precision, easy to wash, the advantages of long cycle, are widely used in oilfield, petrochemical processing, printing and dyeing industry wastewater treatment.

To be used for the quality of solids in oily water, iron, and some bacteria. If oil is used in oily water, the oil in water is 3mg/l, and the anti-wash should be used to remove grease from the medium.

The filter resistance is greater than 0.2 MPa - 0.25 MPa or the filtered water quality is close to the control index and should be done in time.

The anti-washing can be used in the form of pneumatic and anti-shock mechanism, which can be used to make the ball loose and float. The use of mechanical stirring should be slow, so as not to spoil the ball.

4, the filter height chooses 1-1.2 m for appropriate (this height is loose height). Can also according to the needs of the user free to choose, when the filter layer, higher filtration resistance, high removal rate, reduced when the filter filtration resistance decreased, in addition to the reduced.


Ningxia longteng activated charcoal co., LTD

Lian: zhi wen

Hand machine:

Q: 3195997413


Site: east of baiyin, the great wukou district of ningxia

Site: ? SPM = SSEfoR


LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图14

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图15

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图16

LTSD常年生产加工纤维球 纤维束滤料示例图17



联 系 人 :唐芷文

手    机 :

Q    Q  :3195997413

邮   箱 :

地    址 :宁夏石嘴山市大武口区白银北路以东

网   址 :

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Contact information
  • 宁夏龙腾顺达活性炭有限公司
  • 唐芷文 销售部门
  • 15719526796
  • 宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市白银北路以东


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