
厂家直供轻质页岩陶粒 量大优惠 产地直发


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ceramsite introduction Ceramsite is made of fine clay, clay, organic solvents after grinding, screening and calcination, with a hard surface, dark brown globular internal pores, high porosity, specific surface area is large, the mass density light, strength, and backwash low energy consumption, sewage capability is strong, filtration speed is high, stable chemical performance, strong acid and alkali resistance, long service life, etc. 
Appearance characteristics of the ceramsite most assumes the circular or elliptic sphere, but there are some imitation rock ceramsite not round or oval ball, and irregular rock.Ceramsite shape varies due to process.Its surface is a layer of hard shell, this layer of crust in ceramic or enamel, have conservation gas insulation effect, and endowed with ceramsite high strength.The appearance of the ceramsite color because of using raw materials and process varies.Roasting the color of the ceramsite mostly dark red, red ochre, there are also some special varieties for yellow-gray, colored, gray, green gray, etc.Ceramsite grain size is usually 5 20 largest size is 25 �L �L.Ceramsite are commonly used to replace the gravel and pebbles in concrete.
ceramsite features 1, ceramsite filter material particles, uniform, surface roughness, micropore, internal pore developed, specific surface area is big, so biological bacterium adhesion ability, fast reproduction, hanging membrane with high efficiency, low temperature and low turbidity in addition to the effect of ammonia nitrogen under conditions reached domestic advanced level, long working period, cycle water rate is large, usually is 500-1000 m/m.
2, light mass density, strength, and backwash low energy consumption, small head loss, clean material head loss is only 150 mm/m.
3, sewage capability is strong, generally a 9-13 kg/m.
ceramsite classification Ceramsite: 1, the clay to clay, clay, etc as main raw materials, processed granulating, burning swelling, and particle size in the light of more than five �L coarse aggregate, called clay ceramsite.
2, shale ceramsite: also called expanded shale.In clayey shale and SLATE by crushing, screening, or into a ball, after grinding burn expansion of grain size in the light of more than five �L coarse aggregate of shale ceramsite.Shale ceramsite according to the technological process is divided into: the crushing, screening, and into the type of shale ceramsite;After grinding, into a ball and it swells of shale ceramsite and spherical shape. 
3, lytag: taking solid waste as the main raw material, add a certain amount of cement and water and processed into a ball, sintering expansion or natural curing, particle size in the light of more than five �L coarse aggregate, hereinafter referred to as lytag.
4, biological ceramsite: after the sewage produced sewage treatment plant, and contains a lot of biological sludge, biological sludge from agricultural fertilizer, some directly used for greening, also some discharge into the sea or burned, it will cause secondary environment pollution.At present, the biological sludge as main raw materials, adopting drying, grinding, into a ball, burn into ceramsite, called biological sewage treatment sludge ceramsite.Instead of part of the biological sludge to burn ceramics grain save a lump of clay, and protect the farmland, also played a certain environmental effect. 
Clay ceramsite shale ceramsite, lytag, apply from the use, structure of heat preservation with light aggregate concrete, and can also be used for lightweight aggregate concrete structure.Now is the main purpose of shale ceramsite production of lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow block, and lightweight partition board.

Taoli use

Ceramsite with low density, high cylinder pressure strength, high porosity, high softening coefficient, good frost resistance and outstanding resistance to JianJiLiao reaction.Especially because of the ceramsite density is small, internal porous, morphology, composition is uniform, and with a certain intensity and strong, have qualitative light, corrosion resistance, frost resistance, and other multi-functional characteristics of seismic and well insulated.Using ceramsite these excellent performance, it can be widely used and building materials, gardening, food and beverage, fire-resistant insulation materials, chemical industry, petroleum and other departments, more and more widely application field.
1, building materials
Ceramsite concrete has been widely used in industrial and civil buildings of all types of artifacts and cast-in-situ concrete projects (such as prestressed and prestressed, bearing structure, or enclosure, heat insulation, or impermeability, static load or dynamic load).Ceramsite can also be applied to pipe insulation, furnace heat preservation and heat insulation, cold insulation and sound insulation sound-absorbing, and other construction materials;Can also be used as soilless base of agricultural and garden bed material and filtering materials.
2, green materials
Because the haydite has porous special structure, light weight, high surface strength, used for landscaping, indoor afforest that meets the need of water plants, but also meet the requirements of the air permeability, especially the characteristics of no dust, light has been increasingly applied to indoor breeding of ornamental plants.Diet health materials.Porous ceramsite besides having higher physical performance, weight, surface strength, in the process of production also has the certain active substances, and already used in daily life related aspects such as drinking water, wash bath to, such as in the water dispensers for filtering water, add water in the shower shower handle activity, etc.
3, industrial filter material
Ceramsite of the active material is widely used in industry.Biological ceramsite filter material can be used as high load industrial wastewater biological filter material pool of biological membrane carrier, slightly polluted water, tap water pretreatment of biological filter. Oily waste water of coarse grained materials, ion exchange resin bed, microbial dry storage;Suitable for drinking water depth treatment, it can adsorb harmful elements in the water, bacteria, mineralized water quality, is the best of the active effect of biodegradation and harmful material, and the best carrier biofilm in the biological filter.








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  • 巩义市万丰磨具磨料有限公司
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  • 15738508189
  • 河南省郑州市巩义市建设路


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